The Welcome Mat’s Out

Make sure and wipe your feet in the mudroom before you come in.  Ma don’t care much for mud on her floors and I don’t care much for having to scrub them.

What we have here is called The White Trash Diaries, a collection of stories loosely based on true life.  Things have been stretched out a little for humor’s sake and some names have been changed to protect those guilty of their sins.

I’ll update this as often as I can.  Between milking the cows, putting up with the neighbors and all my rowdy friends, it may be difficult to update every day or even every week, but the aim here (and not with my rifle) is to put something up on these pages at least once a week. 

There may or may not be some songs posted on here and there may or may not be funny videos of relatives doing stupid things, but whatever happens, happens so, as Daisy would put it, ‘Y’all come back now, yah here.’

Published in: on July 18, 2010 at 1:24 am  Leave a Comment